Schöma 5130

Ownership:Crowle Peatland Railway – donated by Evergreen Horticulture.
Build Date:1990
Manufacturer:Schöma (Christoph Schöttler)
Original Engine:5 Cylinder Deutz, 86 HP
Replacement:6 Cylinder Deutz, 105 HP
Supplied to:Fisons
Works Number:5130 (Loco) 5132 (slave)
Current location:The Old Peatworks, Crowle

The working history exactly mirrors that of 5129 but when its working life came to an end it was put on display in the car park at Hatfield Peat Works when it acquired The Thomas Buck nameplate.

Although peat extraction in the Humbrhead Peatland ended in 2000 with the creation of the National Nature Reserve Scotts, the successors to Fisons and Levingtons maintained the peat works at Hatfield to repackage imported peat. Th company subsequently became Evergreen Horticulture.