
Crowle Peatland Railway Chronology

Initial Ideas

4 of us were sat around a table in the Lock, Stock & Barrel pub in Crowle and the idea of some form of preservation society to preserve the history of peat extraction on the moors and particularly its railways came up. As it was known there was a loco…Read More

Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural meeting of the society was held at Ealand Victory Hall to adopt a constitution and to elect officers of the society.

Simplex Recovered

The Simplex Locomotive was recovered from Bank Top on Thorne Moors where it had been left after peat extraction finished. From photos in “The Peat Railways of Thorne and Hatfield Moors” the loco appears to have been abandoned in a siding. In addition to the loco we also acquired a…Read More

Acquisition of Schomas 5220 & 5129

The two Schoma locos (5220 & 5129) and three slave units were acquired by Crowle Peatland Railway and remained in Norfolk until storage at Crowle was sorted out.

Site visit

Site visit for members to Crowle Peatworks to see where our base was going to be constructed.

Visit to Norfolk

Visit to see locos in Norfolk – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=CrowlePeatlandRailway&set=a.966014746826832

Schoma Locos delivered to Crowle

The two Schoma Locos and Slave units were delivered from Ray King’s site in Norfolk. They were initially stored in an existing Romney Hut on the Crowle Peatworks site (The Goat Shed). https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/124804883@N07/26658012870/

First Open Day

Open day to view static locos in the Goat Shed. They were not even on rails at that time – this was part of International Bog Day.

Heritage Open Days 2016

Heritage Open Days. Visit to see locos as part of Isle of Axholme Minibus Tour

Simplex move to The Old Peatworks

Simplex loco and peat winning equipment moved from Farm storage site to The old Peatworks https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=CrowlePeatlandRailway&set=a.1341975775897392

Natura 20000 Open Day

Open Day as part of Natura 20000 open day organised by the Humberhead Peatland National Nature Reserve

Planning Application Approved

Planning application for Maintenance Shed approved – https://apps.northlincs.gov.uk/application/pa-2016-1699

Heritage Open Days 2017

Heritage Open Days 2017


Visit by Cardiff and Avonside Railway Club

Building work starts

Work starts on building the maintenance shed

Simplex moved to North Lindsey College

Simplex loco moved to North Lindsey College Engineering Dept where the college was using the loco as part of their ‘enrichment’ activities with the students. Not only inspiring them in Engineering but also finding out about the history and heritage of the area!

Maintenance shed complete

The Romney Hut was completed and handed over to Crowle Peatland Railway.

First delivery of sleepers

First delivery of sleepers

First delivery of rail

First delivery of rail


AGM held in the Maintenance shed.

HRA Visit

Heritage Railway Association visit in advance of accepting our membership application

Loco moved to maintenance shed

Schoma Locos moved from Goat Shed to our Maintenance Shed. (Still no track laid!)

Work days start

Regular work days commence at The Old Peatworks

Track laying starts

Track starts to be laid in the maintenance shed

5220 Rerailed

5220 finally rerailed

Peat wagon arrives

Peat Wagon delivered from Hatfield Peatworks.

Track bed preparation

Work on levelling track bed outside maintenance shed began

Track laying starts

Sleepers laid outside shed in preparation for putting track down.

Track laid to turnout

Track laid to turnout and turnout placed.

5130 gifted to CPR

Schoma Loco 5130 gifted by Evergreen Horticulture moved from Hatfield Peatworks, where it had been a gate guardian, to The Old Peatworks. We now have all three Schoma Locos.

5220 moves outside

Schoma Loco 5220 (Thomas Buck) made its way outside under its own power to travel on the track laid outside.

5220 travels to head shunt

Thomas Buck made its way all the way down to the head shunt – the furthest it had travelled under its own power since 2005!

Visit by U3A

Visit by the local U3A group


Filming for the Isle of Axholme & Hatfield Chase Landscape Partnership. https://fb.watch/9093u91OXE/

Heritage Open Days

14-15 Heritage Open Days. Cab Rides were available on the very limited length of track.

Heritage Open Days

21-22 Heritage Open Days. Cab Rides were available on the very limited length of track.


Visit to the Peatland Railway by Micro Maniacs – mini car enthusiasts.

Simplex returns to Crowle

The dismantled Simplex loco was returned from North Lindsey College – the intention was that the students would complete the project on site.

Planning permission

Planning permission was granted for the siting and conversion of shipping containers to form a cafe, toilet, shop area and training/education room together with the installation of a sewage treatment plant

Tram funding granted

Funding received from SSE Keadby Windfarm Fund to acquire Lisbon Tram Car 711. To be restored to use for passenger transport behind the Schomas.

Official Opening

Official opening of Crowle Peatland Railway – this was for invited guests from our funders. Live broadcast throughout BBC Radio Humberside’s breakfast show.

Lisbon Tram arrives

Lisbon Tram 711 delivered to The Old Peatworks

Delivery of cafe

?? September 2020 – Delivery of Cafe buildings

We have power

3-phase power finally connected to The Old Peatworks!

Heritage Open Days

12-13 September 2020 – Heritage Open Days. Photo charter on the evening of 12th

Heritage Open Days

19-20 September 2020 – Heritage Open Days. Photo charter on the evening of 12th

Planning Permission

?? December 2020 – Planning Permission Granted for Railway Extension

Work on Extension

Work on Extension commenced.

Open Day

First proper open day running several locos, – No cab rides because of Covid precautions

Sunday Brunch

Inaugural Sunday Brunch in Cafe

Afternoon Tea

Inaugural Afternoon Tea in Cafe

Simplex runs

Simplex Loco runs under its own power for the first time in nearly 30 years.

Open Weekend

10-11 July 2021 – Monthly Open Day

Wickham Trolley arrives

Wickham Trolley, on loan from the Rail Trolley Trust arrived – https://www.facebook.com/groups/RailTrolleyTrust/permalink/4252218744870123/ We had to fit seats etc so it was not until the open days on the weekend of the 11th/12th September that we were ble to offer rides.

Open Weekend

14-15 August 2021 – Monthly Open Days. Shoma cab rides. Wickham was not ready.

Heritage Open Days

11-12 September 2021 – Heritage Open Days. Cab rides and rides on Wickham Trolley

Heritage Open Days

18-19 September 2021 – Heritage Open Days. Cab rides and rides on Wickham Trolley. Photo charter on 19th September

Arts Workshop

Arts workshop. Words in Clay. Addy Farmer & Karen Raithby.


Halloween Event with Ghost Train Rides (Wickham Trolley)

Christmas Event

11-12 December 2021 – Christmas Event with rides to see Father Christmas and Christmas Market.